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Sztuka i Dokumentacja nr 31 / Art and Documentation no. 31

Spis Tre¶ci / Table of Contents

Sekcja 1 / Section 1

Beer as Ready-made

edited by Lukasz Guzek

Jana Orlová, Beer in Czech Art

Dunja Slavíková, About the Crusaders School, Its Domicile and Their Main Artefact

Sekcja 2 / Section 2

Dlaczego nie było wielkich artystek? Historia sztuki w Polsce pięćdziesiąt lat od publikacji słynnego eseju Lindy Nochlin /Why Have There Been No Great Female Artists? History of Art in Poland Fifty Years Since the Publication of Linda Nochlin's Famous Essay

red. / ed. by Karolina Łabowicz-Dymanus

Karolina Łabowicz-Dymanus, O Historii Sztuki w Polsce w Pięćdziesiąt Lat od Publikacji Słynnego Eseju Lindy Nochlin / On the History of Art in Poland in Fifty Years Since the Publication of Linda Nochlin's Famous Essay

Karolina Majewska-Güde, Cień Wschodu - Cień Zachodu. Praktyka Artystyczna Ewy Partum w Kontekście i Wobec Inicjatyw Feministycznych w Berlinie Zachodnim / Shadow of the East - Shadow of the West. Ewa Partum's Artistic Practice in the Context, and Towards Feminist Initiatives in West Berlin

Magdalena Kasa, Mistrzynie Drugiego Planu. O Polskich Rzeźbiarkach, Pomnikach i Barierach Nie-do-przekroczenia / The Mistresses of the Second Tier. On Polish Female Sculptors, Monuments, and Insurmountable Obstacles

Magdalena Dembek, Twórczość Graficzna jako Zapis Wydarzeń z Życia. Na Przykładzie Prac Teresy Jakubowskiej (1954-1965) z Okresu Toruńskiego / Graphic Creativity as a Record of Life Events. On the Example of Teresa Jakubowska's (1954-1965) Works from her Toruń Period

SUMMARIES. Why Have There Been No Great Female Artists? History of Art in Poland Fifty Years Since the Publication of Linda Nochlin's Famous Essay


Bogusław Jasiński, Funktor 'as' i Sztuka Konceptualna / Functor 'as' and Conceptual Art

Ján Kralovič, Readymade – Human: Principles of Artistic and Theoretical Work of Robert Cyprich

Sharon Lee Cowan, Vladimir Radunsky – a Portrait of the Artist in Context

Paweł Leszkowicz, Gina Pane and Krzysztof Jung: Queer Love in European Performance Art of the 1970s

GALERIA im. ANDRZEJA PIERZGALSKIEGO. Dokumenty Artystów 10 / ANDRZEJ PIERZGALSKI GALLERY. Artists' Documents 10 / GALERIE dédiée a ANDRZEJ PIERZGALSKI. Documents d'Artistes 10

Leszek BROGOWSKI, Edycja 10 - Założenia Programowe / Edition 10 - Program Assumptions / Édition 10 - Hypotheses du Programme

Leszek Brogowski, Być albo Nie Być Sztuki: Karykatura Polityczna i Malowanie dla Siebie u Ad Reinhardta / Etre ou Ne Pas Etre de l’Art. Caricature Politique et Peinture a Soi-meme chez Ad Reinhardt

David Rybak, Ad Reinhardt: Les Cartoons

Margaux Verdet, Ad Reinhardt: un Oil Responsable. Perception et Engagement du Spectateur dans les Collages de 1946


Leszek Brogowski, nowe tłumaczenia tekstów Ad Reinhardta / new translations of Ad Reinhardt's texts:
„The Twelve Technical Rules”
„The Next Revolution in Art”


Ad Reinhardt – wybor komiksów / selection of cartoons:

Komiksy polityczne / Political cartoons
Komiksy o sztuce opublikowane w czasopiśmie PM (1946) / Cartoons on art published in the PM journal (1946)

Informacje 'dla autorów' / Infos 'for authosrs':


Sekcje tematyczne - otwarty nabór:

Fluxus w krajach Europy.







Documents of Art

Andrzej Pierzgalski (1938-2016) founded and ran the A4 Gallery in ŁódĽ in the 1970s. A gallery dedicated to him was opened in 2012 in the Art and Documentation journal. Since 2018 the gallery has been curated by Leszek Brogowski.

After the Second World War, a rapid process of deconstruction of the traditional concept of a work of art took place: process and information replaced the material object; documents replacing the work of art referred to the working process rather than the creative act; the intellectualization of artistic processes is opposed to aesthetic fanaticism; discretion, moderation and restraint are contrasted to lavishness, spectacle and exaggeration, especially on the art market, etc. One of the most interesting places where the clear contours of the concept of a work of art have blurred, is precisely its border with the document. Yet art historians often distinguish the work of art as the proper subject of research, and accompanying documents, such as: an order, a contract for a work, a notarial document, etc., as only a material accompanying the research. In reference to many practices of contemporary art, this distinction can no longer be applied, because a work can now take the form of a document, and a document can replace a work; often these two functions overlap or coexist. In the work Document (1963), to a work inspired by Marcel Duchamp's notes, Robert Morris added the notarial act - Statement of Esthetic Withdrawal - by virtue of which he withdrew all aesthetic qualities from it; if this document is disconnected from the work of art and considered only as a supplement to it, the work of art will completely change its character. You can even ask yourself if the work of art is not just a specific document and a trace of the artistic process. The program of the Documents of Art Gallery will be focused, however, on printed documents: not on the so-called artistic prints, but on documents with industrial offset, photocopy and even hand-folded, rubber fonts, or mechanical reproduction techniques, which Walter Benjamin writes at the beginning of his essay: "The enormous changes brought about in literature by movable type, the technological reproduction of writing, are well known. But they are only a special case, though an important one, of the phenomenon considered here from the perspective of world history. In the course of the Middle Ages the woodcut was supplemented by engraving and etching, and at the beginning of the nineteenth century by lithography." [1] Well, the offset is just an improved and industrialized lithography, where the zinc plates replaced heavy lithographic stone, thus enabling mass printing of photographs. The use of industrial printing as the basis for documents of art (manifests, artistic magazines, artists' books, catalogues, leaflets, invitations, visual poetry, etc.) has become an impulse for profound changes not only in artistic practices, but also - as Benjamin predicted - in the very notion of art. Art documents presented here will therefore be an opportunity to trace the most important stages and aspects of these changes.

[1] Walter Benjamin, The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility, and Other Writings on Media, edited by Michael W. Jennings, Brigid Doherty, and Thomas Y. Levin, translated by Edmund ]ephcott, Rodney Livingstone, Howard Eiland, and Others (Cambridge, Mass., London: The Belknap Press Of Harvard University Press, 2008), 20.

Submit your proposal to this Section to: Leszek Brogowski, email:

    Sztuka i Dokumentacja